Employee Motivation
Guaranteeing Hiring Success
It Pays to Help New Staff Start Right
Managers should invest wisely in well-designed staff orientation programs. Effectively orientating your new employees can pay big dividends in staff retention, employee commitment and customer satisfaction.
Keeping Entry Level Workers From Quitting
Turnover is costly for all businesses, large or small. For a worker you are paying $24,000 a year, it will cost you an additional thousand or so dollars to replace them. However, the small business owner may feel the impact more immediately and to a higher degree. While there may not be a magic formula for attracting and keeping entry-level workers, here are some tips to consider.
Organizing a Corporate Retreat
Successful retreats require careful planning in order to be of benefit to the organization and its leaders. What follows are the recommendations of experienced retreat consultants and facilitators, based on a history of successful retreats.